By Ang Eisntein - Senin, Maret 31, 2014

1.       Symbol or Symbolic Sign
A mode in which the signifier does not resemble the signified but which is fundamentally arbitrary or purely conventional so that the relationship must be learnt. For example:
Ø   Letters and the alphabets
Ø   National flag
Ø   Mathematical sign
Ø   The number system
Ø Punctuation marks

2.       Icon or Iconic sign
A mode in which the signifier is perceived as resembling or imitating the signified (recognizably, looking, sounding, feeling, tasting or smelling like it) – being similar in possessing some of its qualities. For example:
Ø  A portrait

Ø  A cartoon
Ø  Onomatopoeia
Ø  Imitative gestures 
Ø  Sound effect

3.       Index or indexical Sign
An index is a mode in which the signifier might not resemble its signified object. It is not arbiterarily assigned and is directly connected in some way to the object (physically or causally). For example:
Ø  Natural sign (smoke, thunder, footprints, echoes, flavor)

Ø  Signals (traffic signal, a phone ringing, a knock on a door)

Ø  Medical symptoms (a pain, a rush, pulse-rate)

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