Eternal Love

By Ang Eisntein - Rabu, Maret 12, 2014

“ Eternal Love

I can look at you, even though you are not with me..
I can feel you, even though you are not beside me..
I can hug you, even though you are there..
I can hear your voice to guide me, even though it was long time ago..
I can’t stop loving you, even though you are not in this earth anymore..

I can see you that you are happy in the best place of Allah..
I believe that you always supervise me in your nice place above the sky..
I  know that you love me more than a thousand years..

Did you know ? I love you too, I love you more than my age..
I will do the best for my life, just for you mom..
I know that you smile for me now...

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