By Ang Eisntein - Minggu, Maret 16, 2014

                      5 CM is a drama film. It was produced by Sunil Soraya. The movie was adapted from Novel with the same title. The cast includes Herjunot Ali as Zafran, Reline Shah as Riani, Fedi Nuril as Genta, Igor Saykoji as Ian, Denny Sumargo as Arial, and Pevita Pearce
as Arinda / Arial's sister. The setting is in the Secret Garden (Arial's house), the railways station, and a great mountain (Mahameru Mountain).
                       The story is about five people that have been friends for ten years. One day, when they are in the Secret Garden, Genta said that they have to separate each other to avoid boredom. So, they are deal to separate for three mounts. After three mounts, they meet together again in railways station , because Genta will ask his best friends to go to Mahameru mountain. and Arinda also join to go there. In Mahameru mountain, they see beautiful views, very beautiful views!. Actually they want to go to the top of Mahameru Mountain to celebrate Indonesia's birthday in August, 17th. 
                     In the journey, there are many challenges for them. How ever, they can face it with love and belief. They  believe that they can do something that seems difficult. So, they can face many challenges not only to go to the top of Mahameru mountain but also in live.
                      This movie is very great!, because the movie has many good messages. The movie give some motivations to live in this world that has many challenges. Moreover, this movie is very interesting, because this movie is not only about how to face many challenges but also about love, friendship, and magic of belief. And you will be speechless when you see the views of Mahameru mountain (the most higher mountain in Java).

Reviewed by Lailatus Sa'adah

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