My Wonderful Life

By Ang Eisntein - Selasa, Maret 25, 2014

                        My Wonderful Life

Being an ambassador is not my ambition actually. I also do not know, why I become like this now. Actually, my ambition since an elementary student that I want to be an English teacher. Because my mother give advice to me in order to be an English teacher. I try to reach my ambition well. I also make sure to my parents that I can pass it or I can to be an English teacher. When I am in Junior High School, I got some difficulties. I got difficulties about the lesson, but I try to improve my English skill everywhere. Then English will be my best friend now. Next, when I am a Senior High School student, I do not know why I feel that English is not difficult for me. I got best score there. Although  I am so proud about it, I am still confusing. How to reach my ambition ?.
Actually I must get title to reach my ambition. Based on my Senior said that enter university is so difficult, because we must compete with another student around Indonesia. Its can not make me give up to reach my dream. I am still keep my ambition and I am still getting know about it. I try and I pray to the God that I want my ambition will be real, because its just want my parents proud of me. And the God granting my ambition. When I am in Senior High School, and it was in last semester, my teacher give me some informations about enter the university easily. Actually is not easy. After my score heve been getting selection rules, I got the chance to be one of the participants. Then I also lucky because I can pass the selection and I received in one of the university in Indonesia. I received in English Department program. My parents so proud of me and they cried and hug me with love. Since this time, I will reach my ambition well although I also will find any difficulties. After I graduated from this University and got Bachelor title, I continued my study abroad. Actually in Oxford University. Then I attack my Master Degree during 2 years. After that, I back to my country and I try to apply a lot of job vacancy. In the first applied I got chance to teach in one of the university which located in Surabaya. During become lecturer Ialso try to find any kind of job. I want to find job that give me a lot of experience also give me more responsible. Finally I found job vacancy which offer to be an ambassador. I apllied soon. After I beyond some selection rules, I passed it and I succeed become and ambassador. Every person actually established couple. As a carrier woman I think is not complete if I do not have a husband. So, being and ambassador is greatest job and being best wife for my husband is greatest life also.
Being an ambassador give me some best best experience. Before I become an ambassador, I just imagine that it will be difficult job for me. But, after I try and do this job actually it is so funny job. Ambassador is the official representative in any country by the government to serve official duties for my country. I must build friendly communication between the two countries. So, I must live abroad to doing my duties well. I have a lot of duties like negotiation, observation, and also protection. First, negotiation is holding meeting with another countries where I have been acreditation. Then, observation is observation about events that happen there that will be give influence for own country. Automatically, we get some lessons based on it. Like how to solving the problem, how to the event give influence for the society and etc. The last is about protection, protection is related to Indonesian people who live abroad. As an ambassador, we must protect them from any criminal that will happen there. Based on fact that nowadays many cases that happens in abroad which involved Indonesian people be victims. It is also one of my duties, I must solve their problem and give them better living abroad. Although be an ambassador has many duties and difficult or must solve serious problem, actually it is so funny job. I enjoy with my job right now.
Another being an ambassador, being best wife for my husband and my little family is greatest life also. I also get alot of experience about it. Being best wife is duty of wife actually after getting married. I married with a good man. He is my  friend in Senior High School. He is a carrier man also. As a best wife, we must understanding each other. Means that, if one of us have a lot of works , we must help each other. Especially if one of us do not feel better. For example, if one of us getting stress. We must understand their mood and we try to amusing them. Like we can give a joke or something fun to make them feel more fun and comfortable with their work. So, they will do their work better. If one of us doing some mistakes, we must give apologize and they must give reasonable reason. We also must remembering each other if they do in wrong way, we can give advice each other. We also must respect and care each other. We must respect anything which do by them. Because anything that they do means that they try to get better result. Caring each other also important thing to build harmonic condition. For example we must care each other with cooking for their favorite meals, prepare their need before they going to work, and etc.
As a best wife means that do not just be best wife for my husband, but we must be best parents for our children. Actually if we have getting married we will get or will have children. Without children we think that is not complete or there is something odd in our life. Children is someone who give us happiness. They is gift for the God. So, we must keep them in well ways. Actually being parents is not easy. Because they will continued our decline. They must get better life than us. According to this, we must give them well life lesson. As parents we must guide them in best way. For example, start from little thing, usually children imitate our attitude. So, we must have best attitude for guide them. So, everything that we do is mirror of our children.
In conclude,become an ambassador is not difficult or complicated job. It is so great job. Because although we must face and solve serious problem it will give us some experiences that another people will never getting. Then a best wife is wonderful life that also give us many lessons related to our life. Actually being an ambassador and best wife is the best experience which make my life more beautiful and it is also make me very proud. 

FM'13 ( Fani Maslukhah 120511100013)

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