Eating in The Restautant

By Ang Eisntein - Senin, Maret 31, 2014

Scene I
          Dita has gotten a new job and she will invite her best friend to dinner in the restaurant. She calls her friend to  choose the day.
Dita   : Hello Fani ?
Fani   : Yes I am.
Dita   : I am Dita.
Fani   : Oh yeah,  what’s up?
Dita   : Are you busy this Friday evening ? I want to invite you for dinner with me to celebrate my happiness.

Fani   : Your happiness ? About what ?
Dita   : I have gotten a new job. This job is better than my job before.
Fani   : What’s your new job ?
Dita   : I have been accepted in the embassy of Indonesia in Australia. I will start my job next month, so I will go to Australia next three weeks.
Fani   : Really, That’s great ! Congratulation! it’s your ambition since you were in university.
Dita   : Thank you, do you mind to attend my invitation ?
Fani   : No, I don’t mind. In what time ?
Dita   : I will call the receptionist first, after that I’ll call you again. It’s that clear for you ?
Fani   : Yes, thank you Dita for your invitation.

Fadjriha as a receptionist
Scene 2
          After Dita called Fani, She calls the reservation to book a table.
Fafa   : Good morning, Elizabeth Restaurant of Surabaya, could I help you?
Dita   : Yes, I need to make a dinner reservation.
Fafa   : I can help you if you can just tell me what evening you like the reservation for.
Dita   : Friday night is when we need the reservation for.
Fafa   : What time would you like to have the dinner ?
Dita   : 7:00 would be best, or maybe 7:30.
Fafa   : How many people will be in your groups ?
Dita   : We need a reservation for two.
Fafa   : I have a table for two available at 7:00, If you would just give me your name.
Dita   : My last name is Angraeny. Thank you for the reservation.
Fafa   : Mrs. Angraeny we will be expecting you this Friday at 7:00
Dita   : We will be there ! Thanks for the help !

Scane 3
          Dita and Fani go to the restaurant. Then they are in the restaurant.
Receptionist : Good evening, welcome to Elizabeth Restaurant of Surabaya.
Guest          : Evening, yeah thank you.
Receptionist : Do you have a reservation before miss ?
Guest          : Yes, I am.
Receptionist : What’s your name ?
Guest          : Angraeny miss.
Receptionist : Well, you have Grace Table. For two person right ?
Guest          : Yes miss.
Receptionist : Ok, follow me miss.

Vino as a waiter
Scene 4
» Ordering Food
Dita   : Could I have the menu ?
Vino  : Here it is Miss.
Dita   : What do you recommend ?
Vino  : The grilled chicken with tomato sauce. It is a good choice.
Dita   : It’s sounds like good idea. I will have the chicken, and glass of dragon   fruit juice please. What about your order Fan ?
Fani   : Yes, I’d like the spicy chicken and the vegetables please.
Vino  : Would you like something to drink ?
Fani   : I’ll have an orange juice.
Vino  : I am afraid we are out of oranges miss.
Fani   : That’s ok. Just bring me the iced tea instead.
Vino  : Yes miss, I’ll be right back.
» Discussing the Menu
Fani   : Could I have my Caesar salad served with a sauce on the side ?
Vino  : Yes, and would you like the croutons also on the side ?
Fani   : That would be very good. Thank you.
Vino  : You’re welcome.

» Paying the Bill
Dita   : Could I have the bill ?
Vino  : In a minute miss. Are you paying with a card ?
Dita   : Yes, Master Card.
Vino  : Yes, there you are.

Nama Kelompok : » Fani Maslukhah
                        » Fadjriha Noer Alifah
                             » Ervino Palevvi Haitsam

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