Do you know Narcissism? What is Narcissism? Narcissism is narcissistic personality disorder involves a preoccupation with self and how one is perceived by other. Narcissists pursue gratification from vanity and the admiration of their own physical and intellectual attributes. Then, where you know that they are narcissist? The answer is obviously from internet. Internet it is one of dozens choice for people who want to search anything such as: news, information and other. Of course everyone has known about it. This kind of information usually useful for student and employee, it helps to minimize the time by one tool application quick search. The most popular in internet is the social media. Connecting around theworld through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. Many people gather in one place sharing, trade information or just for chit-chat. Through social media people often updated their status, photos and location. This became habit and daily routine for them. Actually this affects many people, specially younger and older people. We know that social media are tools for us to socialize and interact with other. What have been we do this whole time like post photo and status are make us narcissist. Therefore we need to be awareness about that, from our information bad people or stranger will have good advantages through our activity and location.
Since we already know what is narcissist and narcissism. What about how they act? We are talking about Sign of Narcissist there are 6 patterns that you need to know. This pattern will help to recognize whether you are narcissist or not. First pattern: Unilateral Listening it mean instead of listening in order to be responsive, narcissistic listening only to dismiss, negate ignore and minimize or otherwise make someone else concern irrelevant. Second pattern: Preoccupied with Self it mean acting selfishly and if being generous, generally only responsive to their own concern. Third pattern: being above The Rules, Feeling that they are above other and the rules don’t apply to them. Fourth pattern: Inability to take criticism, while having an inflated idea of their own importance, they can be quickly deflated by negative criticism. Fifth pattern: Refusal to take responsibility, having a tendency to blame other for thing that goes wrong. Sixth pattern: Quick to anger it mean they may become easily angered by critical comment or being ordered what to do. That is the six patterns, so people can be more aware about themselves. From this point we know that narcissist is bad. Not only narcissism but also social media has bad effect. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc allow you to find and connect with just about anyone. Browsing these site can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy, casual connection in an electronic environment can also have it is downside. First of all site like Facebook and Twitter sharing detail of our lives with one another. Post can range from simple update, something as simple as a picture of your friend doing embarrassing thing may not harmless you but to a future when your friend become employee this does not very good. Another issue is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying has become a major issue for teenager in more recent years, as it allows it is victim’s “friend” to post things in front of their peers. Cyber bullying can also take other forms such as email, text, chat room and mobile phone. Those who cyber bullying someone also have the ability to pose as someone else or even create false identity to terrorize their victim.
Narcissism affect younger and older people, at this era we often seen teenager play with their smartphone. What are they doing? Of course, they are browsing through internet and access social media site like instagram, twitter, path and facebook. It is look like they all swallow up by technology in this era. The moment Facebook release, there is bunch of teenager firstly step on it. Social media was getting a lot popular on recent year. Let’s talk about 2 most favorite social media Facebook and twitter. First Facebook, what are you know about facebook? How often you open your Facebook? Facebook is one bigger social media. You can meet new people through Facebook, sending a message, play video games or advertising. There are two unique features “pokes” and “likes”. More often you upload photos, the more like you will get and that showing you are narcissist. Usually middle-aged people use Facebook as a way of gaining approval of their image from their peers and those who are already in their social circles. There some research talk that Facebook has more adult user, I think it is true the young user has been move to twitter. Next is Twitter, another social media that popular with “tweet”. Follow and unfollow become their based on this site. Following and follower, that was make it different with another social media. The many you have follower, the narcissist you are. Through Twitter they are trying to broaden their social circles and broadcast their views about a wide range of topics and issues. Usually younger counterparts take to Twitter to satisfy their vanity and opinion.
Based on what I explained above Narsissism is not that bad, as user whose use the site we know what bad and good for ourselves. We are the one use social media for our privacy and we should be more awareness about that. In this era people can connect with other people easily. Technology that always up to date every year, but even it has bad effect there still has good effect for other people.
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