Theory of Pierce and The Example

By Ang Eisntein - Selasa, April 08, 2014

1.      Definition of symbol :
·         A symbol is an object that represents, stands for, or suggests an idea, visual image, belief, action, or material entity. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, or visual images and are used to convey ideas and beliefs.
·         Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.

A.    Object:
           Representament: thumbs
      Interpretant: Agree with something,good job,rule of thumb !
B . Object :     
  Representament: Flag
       Interpretant:  symbols which represent Indonesia’s country.

C.       Object :   
      Representament: Exclaimation mark.
Interpretant:  It is a symbol to tell us to be careful.

2.       Definition of Icon :
·          An Icon sign is a sign that resembles something, such as photographs of people. An icon can also be illustrative or diagrammatic.
·         Icon is the simplest of which it is a pattern that physically represent what it really stands for.

A.       Object: 
Representament: Cristiano Ronaldo
Interpretant : It is look like Cristiano Ronaldo. So that’s way it is Cristiano Ronaldo. It is an icon of Cristiano Ronaldo.

B.     Object:     
Representament: burger
Interpretant:When you take a walk and in the street you see a burger icon, it means   you can buy and eat burger there.  
C.     Object :                           
Representament: Chrome
Interpretant: Chrome is kind of  internet access to help us searching anything information . And also use to sosial media, such as:  facebook,twitter.

3.      Definition of Index:
·          An Index signs is a sign where there is a direct link between the sign and the object.
·         Index can be defined by some of our sensory feature through vision, hearing, smell to indicate what is happening by looking at a thing.


A.    Object:   
Representament:  A bright blue sky
Interpretant: It is an index of a sunny and good weather day.

B.     Object : 

Representament: Cry

Interpretant : When you see this condition. Directly you know that she is very sad.

C.     Object :  

Representament : Bread

Interpretant : When you see your mother at the kitchen and there are smoke that out  nice aroma, it means your mother make a bread.

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